TLCC Notes and Domino Newsletter

Published on April 7,2015

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In This TLCC Newsletter:
1. XPages Webinar: Transformations - Smart Application Migration to XPages
2. TLS 1.2 Now Available for Notes and Domino 9
3. New Release of the XPages Extension Library for Notes and Domino 9.0.1
4. LS2J Error in Notes and Domino 9.0.1 FixPack 3
5. Latest TLCC Course Updates
6. Attention IBM Employees - TLCC's Notes and Domino 9 courses are now available
7. No-charge Courses and Resources at TLCC's site

1. XPages Webinar: Transformations - Smart Application Migration to XPages

Migrating legacy applications with XPages without using any third party tools can be hard. Your code that was built and maintained over the years should be reused and ported to current XPages environment. In this webinar Oliver Busse will show you how to benefit from the possibilities of using Java in XPages to reproduce the functionality you already have and extend it to the next level including:

  • User profiles - create, use and maintain
  • Application profiles - reinvented
  • Getting user and environment information made easy and smart
    Transformation of the full-text search to a "facetted search" over all of your application(s)
Oliver Busse
Oliver's picture
This webinar will take place on April 21st, 10:30 A.M. to noon, New York time.

To register for the webinar go to:

2. TLS 1.2 Now Available for Notes and Domino 9

TLS 1.2 is now available in Notes and Domino 9.0.1 with a new Interim Fix. This new fix also introduces new SSL ciphers that will enable Perfect Forward Security using the DHE ciphers. This is an important step that can enable Domino security to be equal to the most secure web servers available and get an A+ rating from SSL Labs.

For more information about this new Interim Fix and to download go to:

An excellent article by Daniel Nashed explains some of the TLS 1.2 options and trade-offs

A new IBM article on Configuring the TLS 1.2 Ciphers is at:

3. New Release of the XPages Extension Library for Notes and Domino 9.0.1

IBM has released a new version of the extension library for 9.0.1. This new release has the following new features along with several bug fixes.

New xe:mapValuePicker and xe:collectionValuePicker tags for the Value Picker Control - There are two new data providers for the Value Picker control that allow the use of a Java Map or Java Collection to supply the list of choices.

New inPlaceForm Simple Action - A new simple action allows for displaying or hiding an inPlaceForm control, for example, within a repeat control. This will allow for in-line editing of a document within the repeat control.

New Responsive Web Design Functionality - There are three new controls to be used with the bootstrap theme. The Carousel control allows for displaying a slideshow of images on a page. The Dashboard control will display a dashboard with up to 12 nodes that can be an image or icon along with a badge that can be used to provide a number (like the number of important notifications). A new Navbar control allows for the creation of a navigation bar with menus on a page without having to use the Application Layout control as previous versions required.

There is also a new Application Layout configuration, Simple Responsive Configuration, which is more focused on a responsive design and has less available properties and rendered elements compared to the other configurations available.

Responsive Design Demonstration Application: ToDo.nsf - This demonstration application uses many of the responsive features noted above to showcase the responsive capabilities now in XPages including the Dashboard control, Simple Responsive Configuration in the Application Layout control, the Carousel and the Navbar controls.

New “suppress” option for dataView control - This option can be used with the Data View control to simplify the url generated if a database name property was specified in the View data source.

New URL Parameters in the REST Calendar Service - There are two new parameters, sincenow and days, used to specify what calendar events to get when using the Calendar REST service.

To learn more about these new features consult the readme.pdf file in the Extension Library zip file. Also, if you use the Update Site to deploy your plugins and have installed Fix Pack 3 for Domino 9.0.1 be sure to read and apply the fix noted in the next news item below!

To download this new release of the Extension Library for 9.0.1 go to:

4. LS2J Error in Notes and Domino 9.0.1 FixPack 3

FixPack 3 introduced a new version of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This version of the JVM has a bug that prevents LS2J (LotusScript to Java) from working. One impact of the LS2J issue is that the UpdateSite database that is used to add plugins to the Domino server (like the Extension Library) will fail when adding a new plugin.

IBM has said that the issue is fixed in a later JVM patch (SR16FP3 ). This fix can be downloaded using the url below. The fix will also be available in Fix Pack 4 for Notes and Domino 9.0.1 due out in the second quarter of 2015.

To download this JVM patch go to (scroll to the bottom):

For more information on this issue go to:

5. Latest TLCC Course Updates

TLCC always protects your investment in your training! You can reinstate access to a course that has expired and download the latest version of that course for $99. You can also upgrade to the newest Domino version of most courses for only $99. For example, even if you have a course for Domino 7 you can get the same course for Domino 9 for just $99! No other training provider does that!

Login to TLCC's Homeroom to check on the status of your courses, reinstate access, or upgrade to the latest version of a TLCC course:

To view the history and latest status for any TLCC course go to:

6. Attention IBM Employees - TLCC's Notes and Domino 9 courses are now available at the Talent@IBM site

TLCC's technical courses are available at the Talent @ IBM site for IBM employees including the XPages courses. There is no need to use a credit card or get a purchase order! (Note, there may be an internal department charge depending on your geography.) Check out the available courses listed below and for a complete list of courses (including courses for older versions of Domino) go to:

Notes Domino 9 Courses:

7. No-charge Courses and Resources at TLCC's site

TLCC offers several demonstration and complete courses at no cost. The demonstration courses work just like the actual TLCC course but contain a subset of the lessons. The following demonstration and full courses are available:

Developer courses: User courses: If you are receiving this newsletter then you do not have to register again at the TLCC site to try a demonstration course. Your username is at the end of this newsletter.

To try the demonstration courses go to:

To view the XPages learning videos (highly suggested to view along with taking the Introduction to XPages Development course above) go to:

TLCC periodically offers live webinars on popular topics. In addition, many of the previous webinars are recorded and available for your viewing.

To view the list of upcoming webinars as well as the recorded webinars go to:

Tips Archive
TLCC has archived all of our tips for Notes/Domino. The Tips Archive, which can be searched, is an excellent source of ideas and sample code to try in your applications.

To view the archive of all the tips go to:

TLCC Homeroom - To edit your TLCC registration details, view your courses, upgrade your courses to the latest level, or reactivate a course go to:

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Please contact us at 888-241-8522 or 561-953-0095 if you have any questions. You can also send an email to

Howard Greenberg
The Learning Continuum Company
2505 NW Boca Raton Blvd., Suite 202
Boca Raton, FL 33431

If you forgot your username at TLCC's web site, it is listed below. To reset your password go to If you received more than one copy of this e-mail at the same address it is because you have registered more than once at TLCC's web site. Please send us an email indicating which username you want to keep. We will keep the username you specified and delete the other registrations.

If you desire not to receive this newsletter anymore please forward this or reply with history (we need information in the email to be able to remove you) to Put "Remove" in the subject field of the email. Your user account at TLCC will be deleted and you will receive no further emails from us.

Note: The prices and special offers in this newsletter may be time-sensitve and therefore, may no longer be valid. Check with the current TLCC course catalog for the current pricing.